Pokemon Go


Today, I answer a question a lot of you guys have been asking me. Is it still possible to hatch Larvesta after the Instinctive Hero event? Yes, it is still possible! However, the hatch rate is still the same. Larvesta has a hatch rate of about 1%… meaning it is no easy task to hatch this Pokemon. Leave a like if you enjoyed! #pokemongo #gaming

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  1. I wish they released Larvesta for a community day, but usually Niantic does com days for 2 stage evolutions. I think Larvesta might come in a spotlight hour (cuz we got ponyta/1 stage evolution), or even the daily incense.

  2. I hatched 1 on my very last 2km egg yesterday. Hatched around 100 eggs not including the 7km

  3. I hatched around 60 eggs total during the event and somehow managed to hatch 2 larvesta and a shiny Pichu. I got extremely lucky.

  4. i dont know why anyone is even bothering for larvesta. it will end up being a community day at some point. With how scarce they are you're banking on a 1% chance to get a tiny amount of candy for it which you'd then have to walk 5km for each candy afterwards. It's not worth the time, energy or money

  5. I was lucky to hatch a xl larvesta and something interesting I got a a larvesta egg after 8pm wen it ended I was wondering this I got it at Like 8:45

  6. I got the mime jr i was happy enough with that since he regional from where i am so that was the only upside from eggs. No shinys at all in short words never again.

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