
Spending Over 2000 Rare Candy in Pokemon Go | 23 Shiny Trapinch + 4 Shadow Ball Mewtwo During Oct CD

#PokemonGO #communityday #TheDuo
This simple October Community Day in Pokémon Go turned into an endless struggle for one of the new, most valuable Pokemon to ever be added to the game! Find out if spending 2000 rare candy, catching 23 shiny Pokemon, encountering 4 EX Shadow Ball Mewtwo raids, and endless egg hatches finally pay off at the end of the day.

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Our last video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf2gy5SyoqM


We consider ourselves “aggressive casual” Pokemon Go players… Like we go super hard for a week and then don’t play PoGo for 6 months… but this past summer has been the most fun we’ve had with all of Niantic’s new events and updates to the game… so we thought we’d bring you guys along on our Pokémon Go adventures!


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