
【Pokemon GO #4】神奇寶貝夜間突擊行動 | Catch Arcanine at night! | Fobulous TV

Pokemon GO晚上去玩,會驚喜不斷!原來有些Pokemon寶貝只會在晚上出現!這次的Pokemon夜間突擊行動,到底Fob有什麼收穫呢?

我的Pokemon GO之旅
【Pokemon GO #1】抓神奇寶貝之旅 | Catch Pokemon with the fob!

【Pokemon GO #2】神奇寶貝好難抓!| Catching Pokemon is HARD!

【Pokemon GO #3】聰明的寶貝都在墨大?| Smart Pokemons at Melbourne University?


【Pokemon GO #4之旅詞彙】:
Pokemon = Pocket Monster 口袋怪獸
Arcanine 風速狗 = Arcane 神秘 + Canine 犬
Gastlly 鬼斯 = Gas 氣體 + Ghastly 陰森
Doduo 嘟嘟 = Dodo 渡渡鳥 + Duo 一雙

Cool Ride by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
