
【Pokemon GO #5】神奇寶貝全都在這裡! | Where to catch them all | Fobulous TV

在墨爾本玩Pokemon GO必看!Fob這次去了一個抓到很多很多不同的Pokemon神奇寶貝的地方,還抓到澳洲僅有的袋獸Kangaskhan!到底Fob去了哪裡?!

我的Pokemon GO之旅
【Pokemon GO #1】抓神奇寶貝之旅 | Catch Pokemon with the fob!

【Pokemon GO #2】神奇寶貝好難抓!| Catching Pokemon is HARD!

【Pokemon GO #3】聰明的寶貝都在墨大?| Smart Pokemons at Melbourne University?

【Pokemon GO #4】神奇寶貝夜間突擊行動 | Catch Arcanine at night!


【Pokemon GO #5之旅詞彙】:
Pokemon = Pocket Monster 口袋怪獸
Venonat 毛球 = venom 毒液 + gnat 蚊蚋
Meowth 喵喵 = meow 喵~
Nidoran = nido (日語)兩個 + rhino 犀牛
Kangaskhan 袋獸 = kangaroo 袋鼠 + Genghis Khan 成吉思汗
Poliwag 蚊香蝌蚪 = polliwog 蝌蚪 + wag 搖擺(尾巴)
Bellsprout 喇叭芽 = bell 鈴鐘 + sprout 發芽
Goldeen 角金魚 = goldfish 金魚 + queen 皇后
Paras 派拉斯 = parasite 寄生蟲

Talky Beat by Twin Musicom
Source: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/265/talky-beat
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org
