
🔴Professor Oak with Mew now in Pokemon Masters – U2G Stream

📣Chat Rules:
➤Be respectful.
➤Do not spam messages & emotes.
➤Do not overly use CAPS.
➤Do not advertise.
➤Leave politics & religion out of chat.
➤No links to illegal or offensive material.


Stream Schedule:
Monday: 5pm EST
Tuesday: 5pm EST
Wednesday 5pm EST
Thursday: 5pm EST
Friday: 5pm EST
Saturday: Varies
Sunday: 2pm EST

Ending time varies by how long the queue is.

Bot Commands:
➤!add (Link to SMM2 Submission Form)
➤!q (Link to SMM2 queue list)
➤!discord (Link to U2G Discord)
➤!points (Reveals your points & hours watched)

Audio Commands:
➤!weegeetime (-20 points)
➤!guhhuh (-20 points)
➤!damage (-20 points)
➤!perfect (-20 points)
➤!yeet (-20 points)
➤!barry (-20 points)
➤!yoshi (-20 points)
➤!plant (-20 points)
➤!link (-20 points)
➤!bowser (-20 points)
➤!jr (-20 points)

MERCH 👕: https://urge2game.com/shop

✅My Gear (Amazon Affiliate):
➤Webcam: https://amzn.to/31ivLZ2
➤Microphone: https://amzn.to/2GTSh2W
➤Microphone Shock Mount: https://amzn.to/2Kiecmr
➤Game Capture: https://amzn.to/2GQy6To
➤Lighting: https://amzn.to/2ZCWu1y
➤Keyboard: https://amzn.to/2YuqgJZ
➤Monitor: https://amzn.to/2YJjU4R
➤Desk: https://amzn.to/2ZK6q9d
➤Nintendo Switch: https://amzn.to/2YKhlzd

Connect with us!

📱Join the U2G Discord server: https://discord.gg/ucjTvaz



Multistreaming with https://restream.io/?ref=LWzQg
