
[Pokemon Masters EX] EVERY SINGLE SYNC PAIR TO DATE | Complete Sync Pair Dex (End of 2020)

Thank you for an amazing 2020, everyone! This is my final video of the year!

Let us spend an hour appreciating all these Sync Pairs that had arrived in Pasio starting from the game’s launch to the end of the year. This video took me at least 3 months to finish, as well as countless weeks of stress and frustration (as well as loads of Gems) trying to get the stubborn Sync Pairs that just didn’t want to be scouted. I’d appreciate it if you would give this a thumbs up, and a subscribe if you haven’t!

If you only want to see the Sync Pairs that came this year, check this out:

JANUARY SYNC PAIRS: Who to Scout For? –
HOW MANY GEMS CAN WE GET? (January 2021) –

Meanwhile, if you enjoyed this, and would like to support me even more, do check out the “Join” button and become a Member of my channel!

2021 will be a better year, and I’ll be working hard to bring you content that far surpasses anything you’ve seen on my channel. Stay tuned!

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