Pokemon Masters

Thunder Comparison – Pokemon Masters EX (Battle Villa Hall 29 – VS Shauntal)

Here’s a fun test run that I had. Eventually, it was difficult to perfect the accuracy of the test since tons of multipliers are considered (i.e. Rain, Electric Terrain and Paralysis Synergy/Dirty Fighting). Either ways, the outcomes ended up a bit surprising. Meanwhile, SS Elesa and Rotom has lowest damage output, despite of their higher multiplier (Paralysis Synergy 5) gives to them. Despite having three multipliers available for thunder, Archie and Kyogre, considered to be Master Pair special striker unit, resulted with a higher damage output within a small difference. Last but certainly not the least, Professor Oak and Mew gave out a shockingly jaw-dropping result. With the DF3 multiplier, they ended up having the highest output damage that the opponents would deal with them while the randomise SpDef debuffs aide in buffing its power. To be totally fair with this comparison test, Volkner and Luxray and EX SS Blue and Blastoise are the default units that the sample pairs being paired with. The latter provides defensive and offensive buffs while the former aids in buffing electrical power with his Electric Terrain.

Sync Grids (Lucky Skill)


SS Blue and Blastoise (Vigilance) – https://pokemon-masters-stuff.github.io/?e=0&grid=AAECAwQHChMUFhonMTM0NQ==&o=745&id=10021010000&s=5

Volkner and Luxray (Critical Strike 2) – https://pokemon-masters-stuff.github.io/?e=1&grid=AAECAwQFBgcJCgwTFRwjJCUmJyg=&o=738&id=10115000000&s=1


Archie and Kyogre (Critical Strike 2) – https://pokemon-masters-stuff.github.io/?e=1&grid=AAECAwQFERIUFxgZHB0eHyAhIg==&o=738&id=10193000000&s=2

Sygna Suit Elesa and Rotom (Vigilance) – https://pokemon-masters-stuff.github.io/?e=0&grid=AAECAwQFBgcICg0QERIVGBomKA==&o=750&id=10106100000&s=3

Professor Oak and Mew (Vigilance) – https://pokemon-masters-stuff.github.io/?e=0&grid=AAECAwQFBgsUGBkbJScoKSosLi8=&o=750&id=10137000000&s=5

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