Pokemon Masters

10000 Points F2P Run | Week 71 Champion Stadium: Johto Challenge | Pokemon Masters EX

Premium F2P 10000 Points
Champion Stadium – Johto Challenge Week 71
(3 January 2022 – 9 January 2022)

Here are some notes of strategy on beating each stages:

1) Will (Ghost Weak – Stage Parameter: Status Condition)
Standard Stall Strategy with Poison and Trap conditions, can be quite RNG based especially when evasiveness is kinda rigged at the player’s end.

2) Bruno (Psychic Weak – Stage Parameter: Physical damage reduction)
Standard Pre-sync strategy.

3) Koga (Ground Weak – Stage Parameter: Sync Buff effect increase)
Standard Pre-sync strategy. The stage parameter on increasing Sync buff further helps non-type match much easier.

4) Karen (Bug Weak – Stage Parameter: Favor Stats debuff)
Standard Stall Strategy with Poison and Trap conditions, Stage parameter helps to reduce opponent’s damage output.

5) Lance (Electric Weak – Stage Parameter: Sync Buff effect increase)
Standard Pre-sync strategy, make sure Xerneas covers Adrenaline 1 in its grid so that u can sync twice before opponent’s.

00:00 Will (Ghost Weak)
04:34 Will – Parameters & Builds
05:07 Bruno (Psychic Weak)
07:49 Bruno – Parameters & Builds
08:19 Koga (Ground Weak)
11:06 Koga – Parameters & Builds
11:35 Karen (Bug Weak)
16:37 Karen – Parameters & Builds
17:04 Lance (Electric Weak)
19:40 Lance – Parameters & Builds

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