Pokemon Masters

Pokemon Masters EX Jotho CS Week 16: Bettie in the Zone

Shit kept going wrong processing this one. Oh well, time to have fun with the OP stuff

0:00 Bug Twink DESTROYS Karen with BUGS and STINGERS [Parameters: Sync buffs more effective]

2:28 Grids/Lucky skills

3:04 The Queen Orders Bruno to Touch Grass [Parameters: Sync Cooldown lowered]

4:34 Grids/Lucky Skills/Eggmon

5:09 Goth Mom takes son to cause problems on purpose [Parameters:Special attack reduction]

7:27 Grids/Lucky skills/Eggmon

8:00 Funny Candice play [Parameters: Use special attacks]

10:26 Grids/Lucky Skills

10:58 The Cooler Electric Rat [Parameters: Sync buffs more effective+Special attack reduction]

13:58 Grid/Lucky skills/Eggmon