Pokemon Masters

Pokemon Masters EX Unova CS Week 26: Funny Type coverage with Main Damage Dealer

Decided to do something different this week. Maybe when I get Gastrodon, I can try a funny full Cynthia clear

0:00 Mom allowing some troubling behavior in the smol boi [Parameters: Physical Attack Reduction]

2:32 Lucky Skills/Sync Grid/Eggmon

3:15 Finally got to use his ass again [Parameters: Use Physical Moves]

5:25 Sync grids/Lucky Skill

6:03 Elesa can take a break [Parameters: Use Status conditions]

8:46 Sync Grids/Lucky Skill

9:23 Swampert not intended use [Parameters:Use Sync moves]

12:35 Sync Grids/Lucky Skills

13:16 The SSA Cynthia Showcase ft. Metal Lion and Kung Fu Bear

16:12 Sync Grids/Lucky Skills