Pokemon Masters

[Pokemon Masters EX] HITLESS SSCyrus Solos Cresselia

The perfect sleepchain…

Big thanks to @st dk for figuring out the opener

Lucky Skill: Move Gauge Refresh 2
Grid: https://ng-pomatools.web.app/pairs/19402/49100?s=2&l=140&r=6&p=0&a=12020102&g=AAECAwQFBggLDQ8REhQXIyUnKCo

Soloing Cress with Darkrai is simple in concept, sleep chain bar 1 and use the small window from TM MPR procs to quadqueue Dark Void for the first few turns, generate enough gauge with Fast-Track and Dark Void MGR to bruise through Bar 1. We take Umbral Acceleration and use the first Dark Zone to help out with gauge on Bar 1 when we get low, and another time towards the end of the bar to steamroll Bar 2 with a sync, and Bar 3 with two consecutive Dark Pulses. I used MGR2 Lucky Skill for this run to help with the bar generation, but it should be possible without it so long as you get lucky enough with your Dark Void MGR procs.


  1. What a run! Beautiful. Very glad I don’t have SS Cyrus so I don’t even have to think about doing this run…

  2. Amazing runs as always but damn…this sure was fun to watch but I’m not so sure if it was fun at all to do

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