Pokemon Go

HATCHING 18 HALLOWEEN 7KM EGGS IN POKEMON GO! How Good is Noibat's Hatch Rate?

Today, I hatched 18 7km eggs during the new Halloween event! The main shiny targets I have in these eggs are Shiny Galar Yamask and Shiny Noibat! The hatch rate does seem pretty low for Noibat. However, Noibat is still spawning during this season so getting the shiny in the wild is possible. Comment how your hatches have been and leave a like if you enjoyed! #pokemongo #gaming

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  1. Hatch rate is so so but i wish you best of luck hatching eggs bro shiny luck 🍀

  2. Never really had much luck with hatching events, sadly. Luckily Noibat spawns in the wild, it only took a couple hours to grind for the shiny fam and it was 100% free. Best of luck on your hatches everyone!

  3. I got shiny Galarian yamask from my first raid yesterday with El Diablo and Kari. Funny thing was Kari was sporting the shiny yamask. And I was thinking it would be funny if I got shiny yamask. And boom got the new shiny. Now to get noibat

  4. I feel like we will get noibat spotlight hour in november because pokemon go posted a video about bunch of noibats spawns at 6pm

  5. Was able to get 1 shiny Noibat and 3 shiny G Ymasks soo far. Gonna keep on trucking! Been a pretty good event thus far. That shiny Noibat is a beaut.

  6. I had that crazy luck for once and hatched a shiny Noibat my 4th 7km egg on day one, I was beyond stoked. Made it my buddy for a day to flex on my friends🤦🏽‍♂️😂

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