Pokemon Masters

[Pokemon Masters EX] Glacia Solos Latios without Regen MPR (Post Grid Expansion)

Lucky Skill: Vigilance
Grid: https://ng-pomatools.web.app/pairs/15300/36200?s=5&l=140&r=5&p=0&a=21010101&g=AAECAwQFERQVJyorLC0wMTIz


Had it gridded but didn’t happen F


  1. Insane run, this must've taken a lot of patience! wiping away tears rn, so proud of her ;o; now maybe she'll stop spooking my banner pulls haha

  2. Nice clear I also wanted to ask you do you think it would be possible to duo tornadus with 3/5 EX NY Volkner I’m trying with bp clemont (running practice teams for gauntlet and I nearly had it)

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