Pokemon Masters

[Pokemon Masters EX] Support Arbok and Karen duo Cresselia

Grids and Lucky Skills: https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=002420&s0=1&l0=150&r0=4&p0=0&a0=21010101&t0=44&n0=3&f0=0&v1=006200022900&s1=5&l1=140&r1=6&p1=0&a1=18090102&t1=4444&g1=AAECAwQFEhUYHiEmKSwwMTIzNDU&v2=0

A bit of a showcase of Karen’s capabilities, she does really well into Cresselia. Being a Mega user, we are also able to take advantage of Pinpoint Entry 2 to give us some leeway since we are allowed to let the first Double Team go off once we are Mega Evolved. Support Arbok makes a great pairing providing the speed needed to supply the Dark Pulse spam as well as providing a hefty chance to poison which enables Karen’s Dirty Fighting.

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