Pokemon Go


Today, I wanted to make a helpful video for those who are playing the Las Vegas Hoenn tour this weekend! I go over the location/time of the event and ALL of the important features of the event as well. There is a LOT to do during this event and I don’t want you guys to miss out on any of it. Leave a like if you enjoyed! #pokemongo #gaming

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-Follow My TCG Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/overpoweredcards/


  1. I bought the Raid lovers, I am intending to hunt the primals. does anyone know if you can still get them after 6 pm. I would assume so, but am not sure. it would be awesome to be able to play all day and burn the passes between 6 pm and 9 pm when I cant play the rest of the event. but I dont want to waste 18 passes checking it.

  2. i think the regiese will be all over the park scattered. scan it and get the encounter? i go to this park all the time, there should be more than 50 encounter spots. massive park

  3. I'm also more than happy to reach out to you if I get any information or see anything on Friday. I'll be there in person the whole weekend so I'm going to attempt to get into the park on Friday to scope things out and see if I can't get any info about things we haven't already been told.

  4. I live in Las Vegas so I am definitely going to the event The park is a beautiful park but it is very large and scattered out so everyone needs to put on some very comfortable shoes cuz it is big

  5. The video I was waiting for. I can't wait to play🤩🤩🤩. Question: Mawile is from the Hoenn region, right? So, will Mawile be spawning, too?

  6. I am so disappointed in Pokemon Go the global tour was always Fantastic and now they throw it away because they think a las Vegas version is great and it is but global was beter an event for everyone and they are probably gonna do the same to Go Fest 😡

  7. I really hope a day or two before the tour they release a few more tickets. Not getting my hopes up though.

  8. If there’s an Apex the rest of the global population cannot get I’ll be pissed. What a way to disenfranchise 99.9% of your player base.

  9. I just get a special research for ticket tour for kyorge and Groudon event can you tell me how that's work?

  10. If in Las Vegas do i still need a ticket or can I still do the raids

  11. Why do we need the coordinates for the location if we do not have tickets to the event? 🤓

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