Pokemon Go


Today, I have another data-mine video for you guys! This time, Pokemon GO seems to be preparing to drop the Master Ball AND Shadow Raids in the game! This definitely seems like a summer update and I would expect to see these around GO Fest. Leave a like if you enjoyed! #pokemongo #gaming

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  1. Please let this be when Jesse and James return 🙏. That would be awesome 🔥. I'm calling it, This is the perfect time for them to return 🤩. Let's go!!

  2. fight 6 rocket grunts to get to leader, fight 6 leaders to get to one full shadow gem for raid

  3. Yes finally I can use it on the galarian zapdos since it ran from me like hundreds of time and it’s the last one I need

  4. do you think it will be like a one time use thing? I saw an idea once that you would have one masterball a week and I think that’s a good idea

  5. My guess…Shadow Gem allows you to make a pokemon shadow (i.e. reverse purify)

  6. Galegendary birds is what The Kruse Ship calls them and I think that's a great name for the birds or any galarian versions of a legendary Pokemon.

  7. I bet you won't be able to have a guaranteed first catch when u get a shiny legendary they'll want u to use master 💰

  8. Maybe you will be able to buy master balls for pokecoins but they can only be bought once per month

  9. Shadow Floors and also stackable S.Rocket Radars please like Jesus bro why do I have to stack the task

  10. That explains the "springtakeover2023" boxes with the go rocket items that showed up in game yesterday but quickly disappeared again.

  11. did anyone else see the accidental packages that were put into the store? they were selling a box with THREE super rocket radars. i actualy bought one so i have 4 super rocket radars right now !!

  12. Bro. The rocks stadiums look cool! They are really tryna push us away from the raid drama, but it’s working pretty well on me sadly.

  13. Well its great they're adding new stuff to the game, especially shadow raids, but its useless if we can't get to them at remote raid prices and even if we do, only five. Exciting news and changes but to get us gamers back in, got to meet us half way bit. Storage increase of 50 is nothing with added pokemans coming and additional shines, increase to 10k and be done with that, unlimited raids, Brin it back. etc. I like to collect and raids, at moment hard to do either .

  14. The new Master Ball update will be HUGE! When the Master Ball update comes out, I won't have to have the worry about ANY of the galarian birds fleeing from me on the daily incense

  15. Let’s hope shadow raids are not completely broken like elite raids, where they hardly spawn and can’t even invite people to it.

  16. I know this is controversial, but if all we had to trade for these updates is the cost for remote raid passes and how many you can use, I’m here for it. These are things we’ve been asking for for years now

  17. I was thinking "nice! finally I'm gonna be able to catch galarian Zapdos and end the trio", and then I caught him this morning with a golden razz, ultra ball good throw while my phone was lagging… i'm gonna keep it

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