
Destination Pokemon GO! Lands End & Ocean Beach in San Francisco, CA! Pokemon GO Rock Event

Today was another hot day in Sacramento so I decided to get out of town and headed over to San Francisco for the day. I had a great day! I was really needing to see the ocean. It’s been a while and when you live in California you should really never got that long without seeing the ocean. I had to get my necessary dose of endless water and horizon so I made the drive. It’s only a few hours to get to the ocean from my house so not really that bad. The drive back is always the worst but I didn’t film any of that ๐Ÿ˜‰ I walked around Lands End, Ocean Beach, Sutro Baths and on a bunch of trails that end at Golden Gate bridge. I had a super chill day! I just walked trails and along the ocean all day long. It’s just what I needed after a stressful week ๐Ÿ™‚ Also this episode is incredibly long again! I just had so much footage and I couldn’t think of what parts to cut. I did speed up my walking footage to 3x instead of 2x this time because my clips were so long. I really love this area though so I wanted you to be able to see it all. Some places are worth hitting pause to see the area in more detail ๐Ÿ™‚
