Pokemon Go

Do NOT have any Galarian Bird as your buddy in Pokemon GO! #pokemongo #shorts


  1. Well if you read the Pokemon website the incense will not attract that so if you're too stupid to not realize that you it's that Pokemon then you deserve to lose your masterball so yeah keep making your birds your buddy cuz I have no f**** problem

  2. Don’t you have to do raids for legendaries.. besides if you use a shiny buddy you’ll be able to tell it’s not real and will be a zoura

  3. Reminds me of that time I got cucked out of a shiny sentret, it showed up shiny and then I caught it and it just wasn't shiny anymore. One of the most depressing moments in my life.

  4. Set your buddy to an event (unless its that event currently)shiny because it'll appear like that in the overworld ( Shinys don't appear in the overworld)

  5. You never told us why the galarian should not be everybody's you just told us that you can't throw a masterball out of me cuz it could be is zorua

  6. well for starters, i dont use that special lure for the birds to appear, and i think its pretty well known that if you have as a buddy a legendary or special pokémon and see the same in the wild that you dont get your hopes up

  7. Bro the pokemon that turn into Pokemons and copy is just copying your bubby so Definitely have a gal bird on your team

  8. So you’re telling me that he didn’t see the blue lure model at the corner of glarain birds!??
    Because if there ain’t none then most likely it be zourua

  9. Lol didn't have a master ball, but when I had my Shiny luxray as my partner, it would happen and throw me off

  10. I hadn’t played in months I jumped on with my shiny gyarados as buddy and I see a wild shiny gyarados and said to my mate yoooooo look at this in the wild. Then hit me with the Zorua.

  11. Everyone is saying check to see if it's tiny, check to see if it's a red circle or green circle….or, hear me out, look at the name and if there is an incense badge. These birds can still be XXL and XXS, as well as Zoura being a tough catch. What they can't take away is the badge, I've never once caught a zoura off an incense so pretty sure it's safe to say that will be a G-bird.

    Regardless, you should almost never have a legendary or mythical as a buddy, waste of buddy candy imo. Just battle in GBL and get your RC that way, so you can also get more candy of other hard to catch pokemon (Spinda, Unown, etc) that don't spawn a lot/at all.

  12. A very easy way to see if it is or not is the color of the ring when you catch it. Zorua won’t be pure red

  13. Easy fix for the zorua or sororal problem.. just have meltan or mrlmrtal as your buddy.. they shouldn’t appear on the main screen at all unless you pop a mystery box and even then if you have melmetal as your buddy it’ll never be on screen unless it’s an impostor

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