Pokemon Masters

[Pokemon Masters EX] Evelyn and Blaine duo Uxie

Grids and Lucky Skills: https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=020500024400&s0=1&l0=140&r0=5&p0=0&a0=21010101&t0=44444&g0=AAECAwQFBgcICQoMERITFBobHB0eICUmJyg&v1=005900007800&s1=5&l1=140&r1=5&p1=0&a1=18040702&t1=44444&g1=AAECAwQFHSAiIyUpKiwtLi8&v2=0

A showcase of Blaine’s new grid which dropped today. His nuke is pretty nice now.

Do be aware when replicating this run that Blaine’s TM may fail if the random stat it chose to buff is already at max, therefore not making the sure crit go off.

I didn’t perform this in my streak because I didn’t want to wait for Blaine’s grid expansion to finish it earlier.


  1. I use like the 3 sync pairs picked by clicking on the optimised button mostly SS Lillie 2021 and Lunala is used but is quite helpful for me

  2. Hey Azzy CB on whom should I use my 5star tech candy
    Serena and Greninja
    N and Reshiram (EX)

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