Pokemon Masters

15 non-limited units reach 180k points at the Water-type High Score Event [Pokemon Masters EX]

0:00 – Summary
0:13 – Vs. Misty: EX SS Grimsley / EX May / Misty
2:22 – Vs. Marlon: Nessa / Crasher Wake / Hilbert
5:22 – Vs. Lana: EX Barry / Tech Blastoise / EX Elio
7:44 – Vs. Nessa: EX Siebold / EX SS Misty / Marlon
10:42 – Vs. Archie: EX Kris / Lodge Silver / EX Lana

I don’t think a purely F2P roster is enough to get to 180,000 points as the multiplier from using Water-types is way too important, and adjusting the strength parameter to higher numbers would just make for more frustrating clears since the enemies can’t be permaflinched or permaslept. So I settled for the next best thing, which is refraining myself from using any limited units.

Water thankfully has a lot of non-limited units that can get the job done. You’ll notice that I have quite a lot of EXed pairs here though, and I think at the very least the strikers would want it to make clearing the sidemons easier. My final point tally turned out to be 20k over the required 180k as well, which should give some leeway if you don’t have some of these pairs EXed.

Here’s how each battle went and the sync grids used:

Vs. Misty: EX SS Grimsley / EX May / Misty – https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=012600026000&s0=5&l0=140&r0=5&p0=0&a0=17010201&t0=44444&g0=AAECAwQFExQWGB0fIiMkJSks&v1=004810031900&s1=5&l1=140&r1=5&p1=0&a1=13010602&t1=4411&g1=AAECAwQFBgcICQwPEBEUFxobJS4&v2=011000012100&s2=3&l2=140&r2=3&p2=0&a2=13010602&t2=4411&g2=AAECAwQFERITFRYYGhweICUn

Immunity to status and interferences makes this a bit trickier, and Hail outright forces you to bring one of your rain setters here. Lots of freezing moves here too that could ruin runs. Misty gives the team Sp Def buffs to better tank enemy moves while May sets the rain for SS Grimsley to wreck havoc.

Vs. Marlon: Nessa / Crasher Wake / Hilbert – https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=001000041900&s0=5&l0=140&r0=3&p0=0&a0=18040502&t0=41111&g0=AAECAwQFBgcICw0RExocHyIjJCUpKi0&v1=024900083400&s1=5&l1=140&r1=5&p1=0&a1=17010201&t1=4411&g1=AAECAwQFBggKCw4TFRYXHC4&v2=002000050300&s2=5&l2=140&r2=5&p2=0&a2=17041601&t2=4444&g2=AAECAwQFExYXGBocHyIjJCY

Locking this stage out of strikers is annoying, but it does immediately point me to using Nessa. It’s important to take out Carracosta either before the enemy sync or right after so you don’t have to worry about the evasion buffs. (Or you could use SS Misty here for Haze.)

Vs. Lana: EX Barry / Tech Blastoise / EX Elio – https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=000940&s0=1&l0=140&r0=1&p0=0&a0=21010101&t0=44&n0=1&f0=0&v1=009900039500&s1=5&l1=140&r1=3&p1=0&a1=13010602&t1=44444&g1=AAECAwQFBgkMDxESFRgZHB0gIy4&v2=012200073000&s2=5&l2=140&r2=5&p2=0&a2=18050301&t2=44444&g2=AAECAwQFBggKDQ4TGRobHB8iLw

Bubble lets Barry rack up points pretty easily, and Elio compounds that with his Sparkling Aria spam. Tech Blastoise can be hatched from the general eggmon pool that’s currently available and I really wanted to use it since it covers both Main Character and Confusion, but if you don’t have one you can also use someone like Lodge May to at least hit Main Character.

Vs. Nessa: EX Siebold / EX SS Misty / Marlon – https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=011002013400&s0=5&l0=140&r0=5&p0=0&a0=18046402&t0=44111&g0=AAECAwQFBhESFRYdHyIjJScqLQ&v1=009600069300&s1=5&l1=140&r1=4&p1=0&a1=13010602&t1=44411&g1=AAECAwQFBgkKDA0PERQfISQrLi8&v2=005200056500&s2=5&l2=140&r2=3&p2=0&a2=21010101&t2=11111&g2=AAECAwQFBhITFBUYGhweISQmKSw

Pretty straightforward. You can replace SS Misty with Lodge Rosa or Lodge May if you want Main Character but I think Misty’s buffs are more important.

Vs. Archie: EX Kris / Lodge Silver / EX Lana – https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=013300016000&s0=5&l0=140&r0=4&p0=0&a0=18040702&t0=4444&g0=AAECAwQFBggLDRMUHB8jJSkqKyw&v1=001800016000&s1=5&l1=140&r1=5&p1=0&a1=17010201&t1=44111&g1=AAECAwQFBgkRFBcYHyEjLi8wMTIzNA&v2=016000075200&s2=5&l2=140&r2=5&p2=0&a2=18040702&t2=44114&g2=AAECAwQFBgcKCw0PGhweHyImKSs

This was actually my first clear out of this which is why I went overkill with the Strength multiplier haha. You can lower it to 200 for a less stressful fight. Kris’s nuke is fantastic especially for a spotlight scout, and she’s helped by Lodge Silver’s Defense debuffs.

#PokemonMasters #PokemonMastersEX #HighScoreEvent


  1. I Was Terrified With The New Difficulties Especially With Insane and Master But seeing Their Strenght Was Literlly a Joke.

  2. So how much strength do we want if we want to bring only one Water-type? Like if I wanted to bring Lana/SC Ingo/some phys crit support vs Archie?

  3. I wasn’t quite sure what I was expecting from this event, especially since the complex scoring requirements reminded me of Prestige, and I was really worried when people were saying that max strength would be harder than off region EBs, but this event turned out to be surprisingly fun! Getting the rewards wasn’t too difficult (and they aren’t so good to the point that you’re missing out on much if you can’t get them, unlike Prestige’s 5* move candy), and the event’s battles being individually resetable makes it really easy to try again (unlike CS or LG where you’d need to reset every battle just to redo one).

    That being said, I hope they don’t make too many High Score events… The water type’s abundance of units (including lodge pairs and eggmons) would make it probably the best type for an event like this

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