Pokemon Go

AURORUS is the BEST ICE TYPE for RETRO CUP | Pokemon GO Battle League

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The best Ottawa Pokemon Go Youtuber….is Poke Daxi but I am here too
This channel is where you come if you want ideas for:
Great League Teams
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Master League Teams

Pokemon Go announced their new season GO Battle League: HIdden Gems. With this we saw a ton of move updates including buffs to walrein, dunsparce, alolan sandslash, clefable, emolga, and others with a nerf to trevenant.

This week is master league open and retro cup. Master League open means XL pokemon and legendary pokemon. Retro Cup is a 1500CP, great league, with no steel, dark, or fairy pokemon.

In this video I am showcasing a viewer battle featuring aurorus. I truly think this is one of the most underrated pokemon as it is bulky, spammy, and the only pokemon with the move meteor beam that can cash in on the attack boost.


  1. I was on aurorus to start, I thought you had on.. Haha.. If you ever need some battles just dm me.. I have my carbink ready for GLprem

  2. Definitely not underrated, its rank 2 on pvpoke! I think its just not seen everywhere as its very difficult to find in the wild and its in a high rarity tier in eggs

  3. Have you tried whiscash at all in this cup?I went on a big win streak yesterday with whiscash, dragonair, and Lickitung.

  4. Here is the problem with this Pokémon ( Aurorus) it is not easy to build! How many do anyone see in the wild since it came out!? Yeah you can find it in eggs but not IVs that you wanna invest rarer candies! We don’t see much to non of this Mon becouse it is not that easy to get… I got one for ultra… but don’t had the candies so I am throwing rarer candies at him little a little! Lol
    Another content creator agreed with on that one saying that he didn’t know how rare the Mon was for many to everyone! Still it is a good Mon but one that is very Rare am resources wise very expensive! Lol

  5. I've been running Aurorus for the past 3 days now, with DD lead en Licky safe swap. Haven't had a negative set yet, I love using this Pokemon!

  6. Hi Dan, could I send you a video, is about a new team I try today, is really fun. May be you can try it out. Then showcase it later.

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