Pokemon Masters

EX SS Korrina soloes the Raikou Legendary Arena [Pokemon Masters EX]

Grid: https://ng-pomatools.web.app/pairs/1201/80200?s=3&l=150&r=6&p=0&a=21010101&g=AAECAwQFFRYZHSAiIyUpLC8
Lucky skill: Vigilance

Quite annoying since Raikou likes to spam Swift a lot, so you need to dodge pretty much every other move that isn’t sure-hit. You also need to have enough HP to take the Bar 3 Discharge since you need to remove the buffs before you sync.

I preserved the buffs in Bar 2 since Shadow Punch would’ve taken me to Bar 3 too quickly otherwise.

#PokemonMasters #PokemonMastersEX #LegendaryArena

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