Pokemon Go

i went to alaska for a pokemon

i think this is my favorite short so far
#shorts #pear #tropius


  1. Incorrect! Boy Scouts doesn't kick you out at 18, you just can't be part of the main troop anymore because, well, you are no longer a "boy." However, there is a thing called Venturing Crew, which is just Boy Scouts with whatever troop you want, but you are above 18 instead. You aren't able to do as much as the scouts, but you still get to be involved.

  2. YOOOOOO!!! YOURE A SCOUT TOO!?!, what rank did you get to? Right now, I’m at Life

  3. Guys i've lived in Alaska my whole life and it ain't that bad if you ever feel like going but don't wanna go because of the cold go during the beginning of June there's no snow and it's actually really hot go to Fairbanks there's lots of stuff to do luke go to pioneer park or go camping and rent a four-wheeler you'll see some amazing things even during the summer

  4. I am a scout in italy and they don't kick you after you turn 18, but we have a rule that in scout activities we can't bring phones

  5. In Brazil they kick you out at 21 and you can volunteer to be one of the leaders (idk how to call it in english, but, the adults that "work" at the boy scouts

  6. for some reason i thought you were gonna say "once you turn 18 they just kick you off the mountain" 💀

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