Pokemon Go

TIPS You NEED To Know BEFORE This Pokemon GO Event

The Psychic Spectacular is coming up in Pokemon GO and it actually has some pretty decent Pokemon available! In this video I will go through all of the details and I will go through my thoughts and tips. This video will include: new research, new wild encounters, new raids, candy tips, Stardust Tips, 100 % IVs, shiny rates, meta relevancy, which Pokemon to catch and raid, and more!

Time stamps:
0:00 This event features some really good Pokemon!
0:07 When is the event?
0:13 What are the bonuses?
0:19 What Pokemon will be spawning in the wild?
0:33 What Pokemon are in raids, eggs and research?
1:26 My thoughts and tips for the Psychic Spectacular
2:23 How to get big XP!
3:07 Stardust tips
3:18 Candy Tips
4:20 Which Pokemon are worth catching/raiding during the event?
7:39 100% IVs for Metang, Genesect, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, and Gardevoir

Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more Pokémon GO news, tips and tricks!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Credit to pvpoke.com for the GBL rankings.

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  1. Kinda wish they gave Abra/alakazam it's legacy move psychic for the event

  2. Got a question, the event at 20th of the month but I already seeing mega gardevoir and genesect raid in PokeRaid app. Its that like a anti-spofer thing or they accidently started it? Good video btw!

  3. Good event, hoping to get a shiny abra or drowzee. Still salty I missed the abra cday lol and Hypnos shiny is awesome.
    Will also be hunting Ralts and meditite for the candies.

  4. is great if next time at the end you put all 100iv in one slide for do a screen shot 😊

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