Pokemon Go

When someone kicks your pokemon out instantly and you’re feeling petty

Cleared out a gym while eating dinner and got 1 coin for the effort, so I returned the favor.

by Trapped_Mechanic


  1. Easy-Bake-Oven

    I thought the game rolls up to 10 when below 10. I guess in gym it shows its real cp. Makes me wonder what the lowest cp pokemon actually is and then throw it in a gym for a flex.

  2. Blabbit39

    An eye for an eye leaves the whole world with one gold and a fishy smell.

  3. Remarkable_Rub_9067

    Let me guess it was a blue player πŸ™„ they have no tact

  4. That’s what my 31CP shiny magikarp is for. If they don’t get the hint, I upgrade to my shiny bodoof.

  5. triphawk07

    That’s savage. Hope he stays there for a long time. Hold the line Majickarp!

  6. If this happens again use a ditto bc it’ll transform into the pokemon they’re using which is usually a pain πŸ˜‚

  7. MathProfGeneva

    I used to leave stuff like this on gyms I was trying to get gold so that people from other teams wouldn’t get gym points for beating it

  8. midnightfangs

    lol i did that once but with a 30cp birthday squirtle

  9. I do that all the time. I leave my post-trade trash in the gyms I flip.

  10. TheShark24

    I have a 10 cp Shellder just for this.

    Nothing gets the message across like a little clam saying πŸ˜›

  11. Foundit-Reddit

    If I bust my ass for a gym to put some super cool gym-matching shiny in that gets knocked and replaced in 2 minutes, I give them everything I’ve got and drop my boring Chansey or other 300hp mon and let them deal with that instead. Can’t have too much fun sometimes. 😀

  12. CathartiacArrest

    Theres this one gym that has 4 eeveelutions and everytime I add one it gets booted instantly but all the other ones stay there. I swear theres some petty group with alt accounts thats about to make me switch sides and go to war over this lol

  13. Ecchi-Bot

    😎 When you log into your account that matches their team spam, join the gym spam berries on their pokemon so they can’t save it from being kicked out.

    I mean, I’ve never done that πŸ™πŸΌ Just thought of it right now though, sounds like a great idea.

  14. Platzhalterr

    I also like being petty when I instantly get kicked out.

    This one time my GF was in the same team as the one who kicked me out.

    She placed her strongest in and I kicked out only the one who initially kicked me.

    I then kept that gym under attack for the time we were close to it.

  15. Trapped_Mechanic

    Update: Kicked out earning 33 coins. I salute you, magikarp. o7

  16. QuestionMarkKitten

    🀣 splash splash.
    Go you good thing!

  17. I have a shiny 41cp Trubbish saved for this exact reason!

  18. mattdillon103

    I was kicked by the same player who I allowed 8 hours to hold the gym. 5 minutes in, the same player knocked me out. I took my laptop to the breakroom and sat on the gym fighting him all day until he finally got the point and gave up.

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