Pokemon Go

SHADOW LUGIA RAIDS CONFIRMED! Team GO Rocket Takeover / New Party Play Feature

Today, it seems as if PoGo teased the release of Shadow Lugia raids! One of their Party Play pictures showed a Shadow Lugia raid! Could Shadow Lugia raids debut alongside the Party Play feature later this month? Leave a like if you enjoyed! #pokemon #gaming

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Pokemon GO


  1. Shadow Lugia let's go. I just don't know how I feel about the party play feature

  2. Wish the rewards were like rare candy xl elite tms small damn buff not so much

  3. lol unless you’re in a big group, you’re not taking advantage of either party play or even beat a beefy Lugia even though it’s shadow. Tired or the local only for shadow raids

  4. Yes I’m very excited for shadow Lugia raids and I just subbed u. I love the idea of party play but to be honest I play alone however I do hope the recommended players for the shadow get’s reduced to about 5 players possibly 6. I also hope we get a buff to about 50% damage so that the shadow raids (including legendaries) become more exciting for everybody with the party play feature though I would be happy with 60% damage especially when it get enraged also the purified gems should get a buff as well I’m so tired of having a sub par gem system and ducking in raids ugh that is outrageous to me as a player and I doubt I’m alone in this. While I do think that remote raids would improve this more and we should get a remote shadow raid pass or a shadow raid pass I’m not even sure how that is gonna pan out. I’m still a big fan of your vids the only thing that I’m not a fan of is how you got treated by Niantic at all but I would argue that I don’t think anybody is a fan of that either. Anyway I look forward to ur next vid.

  5. Will this shadow Lugia have +Aeroblast like the Apex one we got like 2 years?

  6. I have a super rocket radar saved. What is giovannis current shadow and when and what is going to be his next one?

  7. Look everyone saying it’s not be hard just have a good counter system on it and u get double charge speed and also more damage with the charged attack

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