Pokemon Go

*NEW* Brutal Swing Conkeldurr dominating Great GO Battle League for Pokemon GO

I can’t believe how good Brutal Swing Conkeldurr is in Great League

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  1. I got a rank 1 shiny for the great league I’m pretty hyped about it but probably never gonna use it lmao

  2. I got the great league rank 1 shiny Timbur and a 98% shiny from a trade as well. I think I did well considering I only played an hour.

  3. i got hundo and lucky 14/15/15

    i'm not so sure which one i'm gonna power up to the max, maybe the lucky one since it cost a lot less stardusts

  4. Brutal swing is okay on it. But I run an ampharos with it, so I use stone edge instead. At this point most people think nobody is running stone edge since com day. So I've been able to bluff many people in great league knocking out mons by surprise.

  5. What is your advice to get that many xl candy are you trading them to your sons then transferring to get extra candy or what?

  6. I got 17 shinies, but I wasn't using an auto catcher, got a couple good IV shinies for gbl

    And like 210k dust, it was a beautiful day and I got to see a Palestine protest crowd at the capital

  7. I run breaking swipe and heavy slam on my stevelix

    I find it's pretty useful for fucking up fairies

  8. Letss gooooo did a set with conkeldur yesterday went 5 straight then 4 out of 5 then 3 out of 5 not too bad my elo going up and down but conkeldur has definitely helped me boost it a bit for sure.

  9. I love seeing your hype and excitement towards the game despite its current state. It just gets me hyped up to want to play too. I got a shiny 93% Timburr but didn’t get anything better than that. Loving the vids bro

  10. i bought the ticket but because i got called into work and wasnt online to claim during the event i didnt get the research. nice scam niantic enjoy my free money

  11. Yo getting these shinnies on comm day makes it even more rare people are dumb. And new players are always joining so you better be grateful for what shinnies you got. Like this guy knows a million players in real life anyway

  12. I would just chalk it up to the newer generation of kids not being taught how to think critically and logically. I have a seven year old daughter who is very bright and I keep having to tell her to think logically despite her just being a kid. Ok granted she's just a kid but even adults have to explain things to kids on a children's kind of thinking. But having said that, there is a certain right and wrong that just isn't taught anymore. Or at least the teaching that even if you think you are right, you aren't necessarily right depending on point of view, which a lot of these kids don't even want to consider and to leave room for some questioning and then rationalize if at the end if it's right or wrong.

    Brutal swing on Conkelduur actually is pretty good for PvE. I have a level 50 hundo that I just added that move for coverage against psychic and dark types for people who like to stuff those in gyms. Sure it's a really niche example of how to use that but if you are lazy and don't want to switch out pokemon mid battle while smashing a gym?? I'll choose the lazy route for coverage.

  13. Great video’s, Did you ever think of a career and a VJ, or sports broadcaster, cause you would be great! You got the voice, the swag, the mouth piece! I would definitely try!

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