Pokemon Go

HOW TO GET TONS OF XXL ZORUA IN THE HALLOWEEN EVENT! Trick for Shiny Zorua Encounters Explained

Today, I share with you guys a little trick you can use to get XXL Zorua every time you catch one! If you’re looking for a XXL Shiny Zorua then you definitely want to use this trick! Leave a like if you enjoyed! #pokemon #gaming

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Pokemon GO


  1. Glad you gave it a try. I knew it sounded like a trolling first bc Pumkaboo would make it so hard to see, but it was no lie with the XXL zorua! And like you said the evolved form works best.
    Please also note not all Pumkaboo/Gourgeist XXL work. you need to test the one you use first. It works 95% of Pumkaboo/Gourgeists XXLs though. This has to do with sometimes the size of the XXL does not trigger the trick. So I just use my biggest one and that usually works.

    Also to fake screenshots of wild shiny zorua you could also put a shiny zorua as your buddy and take the encounter as a screenshot.

  2. What if you do the buddy trick to remove the disguise and essentially keeping the iv’s if your hunting for a hundo, would it still not show shiny on the catch screen? I assume it does since the iv’s are not rerolling anymore. Any thoughts on this?

  3. I knew about this trick since the beginning and i didn't do it. Last night I ended up getting my first shiny zorua and it could have been xxl

  4. So if I use a zorua as buddy , when I get a shiny it’ll only show up after when I press ok on the xp page

  5. I checked over 2000 zorua with no buddy as pokemon and no shiny

    I have caught like 200 with buddy as pokemon and 2 shiny

  6. "There been some speculation on this." Bro! Your literally the one who speculated on it! 😂😂😂💯

  7. Bro thank you! I used an XXL shiny pumpkaboo and the first zorua I caught after that was a shiny XXL! 💜

  8. THANK YOU LIFTING!!! I got the shiny 3★ XXL Zorua thanks to using this tip today!!!

  9. I've seen a lvl50 player in my friendslist that has no buddy equiped so its possible but idk how

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