Pokemon Masters

[Pokemon Masters EX] NY Sabrina 3/5 solos Latios LA VH

Lowered to 3/5 with this one.
Wouldn’t be new year without a solo featuring a NY unit hehe, so here it is. This solo is pretty RNG overall, more investment makes it easier but basically it’s all about TM MPR check, Team Tough Luck procs, as well as avoiding hits due to confusion (very unlikely lol but yea there’s a chance). Although NY Sabrina does have status shield, it’s actually better to be paralyzed (like shown in the vid) because first thing first Sabrina’s gauge is really good with team fast track and confusion being a one gauge move and second she could burn through the sync cycles faster and hence quicker healing with recuperation 2. Confusion does make it a bit annoying to spam moves, but with Aggravation 4 in her base kit, there’s really nothing we can do about it.
This video is not sped up because I really like the NY music.

Grid & LS: https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=0&v1=011401043300&s1=3&l1=140&r1=5&p1=0&a1=21010101&t1=4444&g1=AAECAwQFBggKCw4PEBEUFxgmKA&v2=0

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