Pokemon Go

0.2% Chance to Get This Shiny! – Pokemon GO Eevee Spotlight Hour

Eevee is today’s featured spotlight hour Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Let’s see if we have any luck for today…

After getting the new community day move, Frenzy Plant, Decidueye is stronger than ever before. Today, we get to witness its power in the Go Battle League in the Great League, and this was how it went…

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Join me as I travel, eat and play Pokémon GO the way a local trainer would in their own country and city. Visiting one country and one city at a time through Pokémon GO.

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Vlogging Set-Up:
Camera – Sony A7C with Sony FE 14mm F1.8 GM Lens
Mic – Rode VideoMicro
Screen Recorder – iPad Mini 6

Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2022.

All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo, Niantic, The Pokémon Company, and Gamefreak are property of their respective owners.


  1. How do you have a run button after the ball hits the pokemon i dont have that when ball hits pokemon

  2. Hi, I follow you from Leon's time… I never had a lv 50 account, I wouldn't have one, it could be the worst one you have, to donate, right?

  3. We need a video to Niantic. That was a complete joke of a spotlight hour. And I'm not saying this because I didn't get a shiny.

    We have a city community text and Facebook page for the pokemon players in our area. We decided not to catch eevee, most of us have 1500 or more candy. The goal was to find and trade shiny eevee's to try and get shundo's.

    We had 32 players drive the entire city clicking every eevee we saw. And all 32 players and over 400 to 600 checks per person. No One found even ONE shiny.

    Spotlight hours are pretty rough for me in general. But for 32 people to not find even one. It was a huge disappointment…

  4. I got a shundo rowlet today after doing a random trade with t sister. Please tell me what i should name it Brandon. It’s my first shundo

  5. 26k catches just for eevee, that's how much I have for my total catches 😅

    I love your content. Thanks for posting every day.😊

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