Pokemon Masters

[Pokemon Masters EX] WILL YOU TAKE THE BAIT? | THE GOOD vs THE BAD! Sygna Suit Gladion & Magearna

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THE GOOD vs THE BAD! Falkner & Noctowl

THE GOOD vs THE BAD! Chase & Pikachu

1/5 OR NONE/5? Attempt or Avoid? (February 2024)

HOW MANY GEMS CAN WE GET? (February 2024)

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Datamine by Absol-utely PM

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  1. Bait isnt worth it. He'll be available through both the March and April datamines so you have plenty or time to decide if you want him or not

  2. I already got Steve at three with the cake waiting for him I'm going for him with the sprint cake pending 👍👍👍

  3. He is only a striker

    Will only be useful for Ultimate Battle Fairy-weak

    The available options are all fine enough as they are

  4. i do want gladion but imma wait for april datamine before deciding for sure. will probably roll for anni pairs and if i have gems left + dont want anyone in april, ill go for gladion.

  5. I'll take the bait. I will not let another Master Fair go away, after waited +2 years for Leon and 1+ year for Archie. I say no more. And yk, I like Gladion, and I like Magearna, and Fairy type isn't exactly the strongest rn.

  6. As I've got sign of Arceus from mysterious stones chapter I'm not gonna waste a single gem 😅 only love Arceus ❤

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