Pokemon Masters

EX-R SS Gladion soloes the Raikou Legendary Arena [Pokemon Masters EX]

Grid: https://ng-pomatools.web.app/pairs/11901/80100?s=3&l=150&r=6&p=0&a=21010101&g=AAECAwQFERIVFhcZGh4gJyot&x=true
Lucky skill: Vigilance

Hope that 90 accuracy won’t betray you. Electric Guard might be a better call for the lucky skill but this was just a trial run that ended up actually happening lol.

Skill gears used shown at the end of the video. I think they were necessary for the damage reduction bonuses, but they might not be needed if I had Electric Guard instead.

#PokemonMasters #PokemonMastersEX #LegendaryArena

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