Pokemon Go


Today, PoGo posted further updates for the next season of the game! Expect to see the return of Shadow Mewtwo and Primal Groudon/Kyogre! Also, the Gen 2 beasts are getting shiny variants in their shadow forms! Leave a like if you enjoyed! #pokemongo #gaming

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Pokemon GO


  1. The 2 raid passes while nice is also mostly pointless for me. Most days i dont raid. i dont have a gym near me and when im near a gym it almost never have a raid in it. if they wanted me to be excited for it they also needed to make raids more common and decrease the egg timers.

  2. Looking at the blog post we have no confirmed info as to what is our first raid boss and mega raid boss. I hope we get a new mega. I am looking forward to eggs especially charcadet

  3. bro I didn't see the new trailer so when I saw this video I thought you were clickbaiting. thanks for actually being genuine!

  4. Wtf, they are showing quite some favoritism for southern hemisphere… All gen 2 starters and LARVITAR??
    While here in the north we get Bagon, and the rest is trash

  5. Thank goodness the shadow birds are not going to be in the weekends anymore- it's been months since anyone local to me has done any of the shadow bird raids including myself lol. Very much looking forward to the shadow Mewtwo as I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean during all but 20mins of the shadow Mewtwo raid day last year so only managed to get one with poor IVs as we left port lol… Not even worried about getting a shiny (my account has terrible shiny luck anyway), I just want one with decent IVs!

  6. Shadow legendary raid are impossible in rural areas. No one raids around here. Such a disadvantage to rural flocks.

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