Pokemon Go

SHUNDO Shadow Mewtwo CAUGHT in Sydney Australia – Pokemon GO

Shadow Mewtwo is back to raids in Pokemon Go for just 2 days. Being in Sydney, Australia, I got the chance raid with many trainers in the central area. As we walked to an insane number of raids, one of the trainers stumbled across one of the rarest possible Shadow Mewtwo, a Shundo Shadow Mewtwo with a 1 in 20,000 odds to happen. This was how it happened…

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Vlogging Set-Up:
Camera – Sony A7C with Sony FE 14mm F1.8 GM Lens
Mic – Rode VideoMicro
Screen Recorder – iPad Mini 6

Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2022.

All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo, Niantic, The Pokémon Company, and Gamefreak are property of their respective owners.


  1. the shadow shundo was wild, congrats to that man and to all of you for getting shinies and hundos, i actually managed to do 1 shadow mewtwo raid which is amazing because almost no one plays in my area so im glad i got my first ever mewtwo as a shadow

  2. Someone in our group got the shadow shiny 100% he saw the CP stop at 2387 and I immediately started filming his reaction. He couldn’t stop screaming once he saw it was green haha

  3. Must be nice 🤣 i live in a small town with nobody who plays sent up flares all day nobody came niantic on some braindead shi with this decision dont get why we cant remote raid 💀 not everyone is a famous youtuber with 20+ people groups or live in cities with millions of people

  4. Good to see you all togetger, beautiful moments. I already feel beating the game just by seeing the Shdundo🔥

  5. It was a great day raiding with you and Princess!! Thanks for powering up my shundo rockruff! Hope to raid with you again in the future

  6. I’ve done 446 mewtwo raids and 11 lucky traids and still no hundo.. I was out for around 10 hours today raiding and I’m loosing my mind, do I have extremely bad luck or what????

  7. Ρε πουστη Κινεζε, Ταιλανδεζε οτι σκατα εισαι, σε περιμενουμε στην Ελλαδα-Αθηνα και μας εχεις γραψει. Τι θα γινει με την παρτη σου; Μονο στις πλουσιες χωρες θα πηγαινεις; Αν το συνεχισεις αυτο, θα σε ξεσκισουμε! Ελληναρας!

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