Pokemon Go

Top Counters for SHADOW MEWTWO!


  1. Literary nobody is my area plays, i haven’t played in a few months but back when I did I beat a level 5 raid by myself so I decided to queue for a level 3 shadow raid and then it just went into the anger mode and I only got it down to about 25% so I have no chance against one of the mewtwos

  2. If it was not put on freaking Easter holiday i would play it but come on… family > pokemon go. And better not say what i think about niantic for doing that.

  3. I only did 5 raids AND SOMEHOW GOT 2 SHINIES. One 13, 11, 15. The other one was a 98% 15,14,15 And (I wasted four elite TM’s and 240 candies for them to get psystrike and shadow ball)

  4. Sadly I missed out the event cause where I live there hardly any one play pokemon go taking out alone was a bit hard to fight

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