Pokemon Masters

who agrees with me??? #pokemon #pokemontcg #pokemonmasters


  1. Man I'm in my mid 30s and it's strange. I still love video games and gaming, and I've been expanding my collection literally since childhood(have most of my consoles/games from then). The only thing I find tough is when I do find time to play, I feel like I'm in a rush, like I'm trying to pack as much of the game into this 2 to 4-Hour window that I have, and it really sucks because I can't just relax and lose myself into the game and the game world like I did as a kid.

  2. my last Pokemon was Sapphire on GBA… now is time to retake the franchise…. where do i start (i have a switch)

  3. Damn, you hit that perfectly. I’ve got a closet that’s stuffed full of Pokemon cards now and a bunch of DBZ figures on display… also trying to move far far away from everyone.

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