Pokemon Go

My friends said this was “Giga Rare” ✨

Should I have just kept it as a Combee?

by Agent_Persuasion


  1. Maxcolorz

    Boosted shiny rate rn but normally rare asf yes

  2. PowerOfUnoriginality

    Pfft, I have 2 shiny combees! (they’re both male)

  3. Kinky_Thought_Man

    No you shouldnt have kept it unevolved, the fact that it CAN evolve is what makes it rare.

  4. The whole point of it being rare is that it *is* female and thus *can* evolve. Definitely OK to evolve it, congrats dude!

    That thing is every Gen 4 shiny hunters worst nightmare to go dry on :p

  5. MatthewNGBA

    Wedlome to the club. My only shiny combee was caught about 2 years ago and is female

  6. Spare-Volume-6997

    not during this event its boosted haha

  7. kingkalm

    Exactly why I don’t click on male combee. I would be so done finding a shiny that couldn’t evolve.

  8. DryYak4764

    A female combee is like a 12% chance to find, but a shiny one:.

  9. Ok_Painting2109

    Great!! I got one today too and it was a Shundo Female! Haven’t seen that anywhere yet, Used up all my luck on this one I guess haha

  10. Bounded_Rationality

    I hate catching these things, but was lucky enough to get both a Female and a Male shiny version this week… I hate them slightly less now. 😉

  11. I got mine like 3 days before the event…. I was so sad to find out Combee had boosted odds during it due to the rarity decreasing now but Im also happy so others can get it too!

  12. As someone with 3 male shinys I hate you… But well done.

  13. Wtf just got a shiny female literally minutes after seeing your post

  14. PokmTrainerGuineaPig

    I got it before this event on a random day

  15. KitsumePoke

    It’s usually giga rare. But since Combee is boosted during the event, it’s a bit less rare !

  16. LilboyG_15

    For a start, and I might be wrong about this, but combee has a 1 in 8 chance of being female, then couple this with the shiny odds, which used to roughly be 1 in 4000, before they nerfed it to 1 in 2000

  17. lilemily1986

    Caught one this morning too ! Didn’t evolve it yet, but it’s coming. It’s 3* also !

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