Pokemon Go

NEW SECRET RELEASES PLANNED FOR GO FEST 2024! Shiny Solgaleo & Lunala / Fusion Pokemon

Today, I talk to you guys about a recent data-mine that involves the fusions of Necrozma! It seems like we are getting the fusions at the Global GO Fest this year! This means we should be able to catch Shiny Solgaleo AND Lunala! Leave a like if you enjoyed! #pokemongo #gaming

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Pokemon GO


  1. First, idk why people commented on this saying stop doing this for attention. Itโ€™s just something to me that I do itโ€™s fun for me trying to be first. So comment all you want.

  2. I just commented on your last video, about shiny solgaleo dropping. I really hope it drops, it looks so fire

  3. Go fest seems pretty cool, but niantic still has scorbunny, sobble, and grookey locked in their basement.

  4. I think we might get them before go fest. They're In the commercial for the current season that ends in June 1st. Idk if they'll be shiny but still.

  5. not a secret anymore apparently. That aside, are the basic necrozma raids ticket locked or are they free?

  6. They obviously have something big planned, it's either the fusions or Ultra Necrozma. Last year, they left Mega Diancie till literally days before the in-person Go Fests, it will be the same this year.

  7. No one will have time to do research or shiny hunt or have fun, they'll all be marathon raiding money money

  8. This could also be for the Ultra Unlock? Cause I really want to raid for all these new shinies, but I still wanna shiny hunt for wild/incense spawns!

  9. I think the Solarizer and Lunarizers will work the same as meteorites for mega Rayqyaza, as in you need the item to get their signiture move which is necessary for the fusion (eg Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam). Also for the day 2 fusion raids, I don't think they'll Solgaleo and Lunala, I think they'll give Necrozma instead. And for the people that don't have Solgoleo and Lunala, I think they'll each be given out in a special research story.

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