Pokemon Trading Card Game

Cards are meant to be raw

Venusaur was suffocating I had to set him free

by Alternative_Lime3856


  1. Subject_Tangerine846

    ok but putting the CGC rating in the binder is pretty stupid though.

  2. Meta13_Drain_Punch

    I have a peeve where all of my cards MUST be in the same binder, or it feels like it’s not part of the collection😭

  3. I recently started the process of cracking all of my slabs save for one company. I never really liked how most slabs looked in the first place so after I stopped caring about the increased value it potentially brings (company/grade dependent ofc) I decided I would rather keep cards in displays that I like to look at.

  4. Ok_Marsupial6435

    Do you normally put them on the sharp plastic after cracking?

  5. Misa-Bugeisha

    And put into a deck to be shuffled vigorously, *XD*.

  6. ScareCrow13-

    Now make the same post cracking a 10 to see if you say the same.

  7. Awoken-Queen

    I must be a nutcase because I prefer the cards I enjoy and value to be slabbed regardless of the Grade. I feel like they are the best protected that way. I’m fairly new to collecting though so I suppose this is a bad take. Would there be a benefit to keeping the card raw, sleeved, in a binder vs a slab? Genuinely curious.

  8. alexdenvor

    I’m still torn between raw and graded. Pros and cons of each…. I like the added protection of a graded card and I do appreciate knowing the condition out of 10 by a ‘,professional’ and obviously if it’s a 9 or a 10, typically adds value if it’s by the big 3. But then I think it takes away from cards sometimes, especially highly textured cards, you can’t appreciate the texture as much inside a slab.
    I have a handful of nice cards right now, some with 10 potential and some not (some munch cards, modern SIR’s) and i just don’t know if I want to sub them or not.

  9. Orichalchem

    I remember i had this venusaur

    It was the luckiest venusaur i ever owned, each time flipped a coin, it would always land on heads

    I steamrolled my opponent endlessly by just paralyzing them non stop

    Unfortunately my opponent raged, grabbed my card and ripped it up

    My wife was my opponent..

  10. CoolMudkip

    Ok bud, let’s see you do this with a 10 now

  11. manyname

    OP, did you slab a card…just for the piece of paper?

  12. fyodor_ivanovich

    At least it was a blue label CGC- it’s forgivable.

  13. Baconflavors

    I strive to be this rich to just break slabs because ” Aesthetics”

  14. Professional_Elk3828

    I’ve basically got a binder for each set of S&V. Minus paldean fates and the latest temporal forces. I mastered my obsidian flames binder.

  15. Alternative_Lime3856

    Just so we are all on the same page. I did not send it for grading just to crack it open. I have been collecting the Expedition set as I bought an e-Reader as a kid but never bought any of the cards for it. I was originally skipping the holos but it didn’t feel right starting at 33. The Venusaur just happened to be a much better price than I’ve seen a decent condition one go for. Slabs aren’t my thing but binder pages full of cards do the trick.

  16. Westafricangrey

    Despite all my rage I’m still just a venusaur in a cage

  17. sandwichking777

    But now you can’t see the ereader border 😭

  18. SavageDoge619

    Easiest way to go from trash to cash 💸

  19. Longjumping_Sleep916

    Nothing beats raw cards, look so nice in binders.

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