
Pokemon GO Update Significantly Alters Player Avatar Appearance, Leads To Backlash

Pokemon GO Update Significantly Alters Player Avatar Appearance, Leads To Backlash

by YouAreNotMeLiar


  1. Getlucky12341

    lmao these before/after pictures are insane, I don’t play Pokemon Go but what was Niantic thinking???

  2. WasherDryerCombo

    I stopped playing Go pretty quickly the same as everyone else. Once they changed the tracker that magical summer was basically over for me.

    But it’s funny how as an outsider, every update since seems to the devs making the game worse and worse.

  3. RhythmBlue

    the developers and managers of pokemon games decided they hate hourglasses ⌛️ 😭

  4. Majestic_Electric

    As it should. The avatars look like babies now!

  5. Void_Salmon

    “intended to bring player avatar character models closer to their real life counterparts”

    I don’t think they understand what people want from an avatar. I don’t want to see my grotesque self in a game. I want to see an idealized version.

  6. Im_actually_OP

    All we wanted was more hair and style options.. instead we got these weird ass character models that have scalable proportions but none of the proportions look good at all.

    Everyone has a saggy ass now and adjusting “chest” size is really just breast size, so you can’t really make very a masculine looking character at all.

  7. KirillNek0

    Why? Why do these ugly models? We had great avatars – not this…. thing.

  8. TheSolidSnivy

    I get secondhand embarrassment thinking about the fact that Niantic tested the update in select regions, received near-unanimous negative reception, didn’t really do anything about it, and then launched it worldwide with a, perhaps unintentionally, condescending ad campaign to, again, near-unanimous negative reception.

    Yet another Niantic decision killing Pokémon Go and tarnishing its reputation, but I wouldn’t expect them to do anything about it.

  9. Whoever has the power to keep pushing these unpopular updates needs to be fired.

  10. Mindofthequill

    I didn’t think that game could get any worse wtf is that?! Lmao

  11. mysecondaccountanon

    What the heck, I’m gonna go check mine right now

  12. Slypenslyde

    What I’m seeing in my circles isn’t backlash, it’s amazing meme material. Suddenly it’s a competition to see who can make the most grotesque avatar.

  13. isuckatgamingandlife

    Nothing wrong here except a delayed april fools joke

  14. Chrispy83

    Jesus Christ! I just logged on for the first time in probably a year wearing a team Rocket like hat. I went from Pokemon game/anime style guy, to this shapeless character that vaguely resembles a human who’s swallowed by this oversize hat that’s disproportionate

    This is a huge downgrade

  15. Lower_Monk6577

    Every time I read a new article about Pokemon Go, I’m shocked to find out people still play Pokemon Go. No shade meant, I legitimately forget it even exists until an article finds its way to my feed once every few years. Mad props to those who’ve been at it for almost a decade now.

  16. MemeMan4-20-69

    I legit thought my game glitched out. I did not think this was a feature. No way Niantic could mess up this bad

  17. TheClutchUDF

    This is the “lets make women less feminine” movement and I have no idea why, women are feminine let them be feminine, quit making them into minecraft block characters

  18. LoogyHead

    I just saw a chubby boy face on mine. The body type change is actually welcome. The face default is a terrible choice, but glad there are variations now.

    But ultimately they just ruined my mask by changing it red from black

  19. ChrizTaylor

    In the thumbnail, Which one is after/before?

  20. naynaythewonderhorse

    To speak different for a moment: here’s been a shit ton of really small quality of life improvements over the past few months, and they added a whole bunch of cool new features last year like routes and parties. They are adding biome backgrounds within the day (today) and that’s also a nice update.

    It’s telling that the people who claim the game “only gets worse and worse” are the same ones, who say in the same post, they dropped the game shortly after it came out or similar. Of course they don’t see how the game has improved.

    Yes, many a bad update has happened (remote raid passes, for example, and a whole shit ton of extra monetization the two biggest ones), but since those changes have gone through, most of the changes have been overall positive, if not great.

    Really, this is by far the worst update they’ve done in a while. Probably about a year. Yeah, it’s really ugly.

  21. Teenager_Simon

    People need to be fired because who thinks the newer version looks better? How did this get to production?

  22. FluorescentShrimp

    …What in the utter hell happened? Did they just… Try to replace Yusuke Kozaki’s art style with a whacky bootleg looking one?

  23. Subziro91

    Only in America you can play characters that resemble yourself , the issue is most people don’t want to play as theirselves . You play video games to escape reality. It’s why the men and woman are always in their prime years and looking straight out of a health and fitness magazine .

  24. Cold-Drop8446

    This may be the first time that those weird “they’re making women less sexy” people are right.

    Good lord

  25. DrWildCard42

    Meanwhile over at their other game. Monster hunter now just dropped an update that can pair you up with anyone around the world for the hunt a thons. Pretty much their version of raids. Something I’d kill for in pokemon go when raiding. Instead I have to have a friend use a remote raid that costs an arm and a leg. I feel like they are trying to kill pokemon go for reasons unknown

  26. ajkagune

    It’s so horrendous I can’t even open the app, I don’t want to see my poor character

  27. i didnt think it was that bad until i saw peoples avis. Some items look really bad with certain hairs and some items clip through or work horrendously with others. But some stuff is really nice. like non gender locking clothes. and having different body shapes. Im mixed. i dont think im as outraged as others though.

  28. Haku_Champloo

    I hate how the newest version of Reddit mobile doesn’t let me see the damn photo! I have to click on the link argh!

  29. desktopghost

    This is absolutely hilarious, please give a pay raise to whoever made this mess because it made my night lmaooo

  30. WinterChalice

    It made me GINGER!! I did not bleach my hair into oblivion so it can hold a bright red dye for Pokemon Go to force me to become ginger.

  31. JerrodDRagon

    I loved this game when it came out and covid but they just had made so many dumb decisions, it made me stop playing and even bought remote raids

  32. TheDarkHorse

    Holy fuck that’s wild. Looks like a bunch of first year 3d students midterm project.

  33. TheDaveWSC

    Some day maybe this game will exit beta testing.

  34. Thesuppressivepeople

    I can’t tell which one is before and which one is after in any of these pictures.

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