Pokemon Go

*NIANTIC IS TRYING TO MAKE US MAD* New buy more incubators event in Pokemon GO

This is not looking good the day after they changed the avatars, now they announce this money grab egg event.

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  1. They making all this money 💵 and can’t even get the most basic feature of customization properly good, can’t even make this shit up 😂

  2. Riolu was 100x better and more relevant and then they smack us with a useless cleffa. ?? Bruh

  3. you gotta only get the eggs within 3 hours make sure you have room for the eggs but i cant remove them like im not spending cash for this not a chance its more work then my job

  4. They are hurting for money so much right now. They are simply refusing to revert the remote raid changes which really hurt them. The best thing to do is to try to avoid giving them money (unless it's really great value); otherwise things will get worse and worse for players.

  5. I do not mind of the new avatar and cleffa hatch event because I mostly play Pokemon go just fun but also just make my walks more enjoyable and if Niantic shuts down Pokemon go that means my walks will just get boring because Niantic chose to be money hungry like Roblox and Disney

  6. I think at this point it’s the players that are “dumb”. If you fall for niantic’s greedy FOMO tactics then that’s on you. Incubators are the most scammy things about pogo

  7. won’t be walking outside on my last day off for a d@mn shiny cleffa .. I don’t need that heffa

  8. I'm not going to say they are putting out the event to kick the hornets nest, far as the event goes I feel it had a date and they're just following they're set schedule. Regardless of backlash or review of the avatar update, just sticking to schedule. I've heard a theory that this ugly update is a ploy to get attention once there's enough they'll release the actual/better version of the A-editor. I hope thats true, whether there's a finished one or one being worked on I hope there's an update. I don't see why they couldn't have added a slightly more in-depth editor. Fine tune certain things. Right now the proportions are so off and wrong, the clothes (sadly I recently bought, with regrets now. Unless/until they fix/update the editor) the clothes don't fit right at all. Neck length a bit too long for avg, hip height/vert length too long for avg, bicep also too long. On top of that the stance is so bow legged compared to before. Its just off. I didnt like that we couldn't edit our avatar before, but it was fair. I absolutely hated I couldn't change my female OC hairstyle but was content with the color (which they also changed, slight thoughts towards erasure of pure redheads come to mind, went from bright natural red head to more of a chestnut brown red, noticed the moment I logged on after update.) But I was content. Far as exclusivity and inclusivity goes I feel most MOST people felt the same. We cant change the way we the player looks. (Bare minimum) And we were all okay with that because the chosen representation was good enough for the mass of us felt fair. After 8 years they remove something thats been more or less fair due to the lack of that its player base and most coming into accept and accepted for something thats completely unfair that most of its player base does not accept (seemingly so) I hated the OG avatar Editor because there wasn't an editor, the models were solid though. Not a 10/10 perfect but solid. This editor with the chosen representation of person, as you said in last vid man 👎👎🤮😝💩
    They could literally have made this an add on kept the OG's and there would be no issue no need for people threatening to quit etc. people wouldnt be mad theyd just say "id never use that thing" or those that like it would. Forcing this kind of change not a good financial decision.

  9. I'm back to Pogo after 4 years off and I'm so disappointed. I was initially excited to get caught up but I'm disgusted with the current state of the game.

  10. Update dumb. Bellsprout comday dumb. Hatch event dumb. Mini kanto event dumb. Give us newer mons so we can complete our pokedex. Still no manaphy still no gen 8 starters. It's turning into a joke and I'm not really spending money on the game like I use to. I'll buy the go fest ticket but I'm not buying incubators or raid passes anymore unless I get the coins from gyms. They've continually shit the bed left and right lately.

  11. Another event I'll gladly miss out on. Never buy into there egg schemes or incubators crap I'll keep my money thank you. Save it for go fest

  12. I have hatched All the current Pokemon 2km, 5km eggs what feels like about a hundred times now! I don’t even really care about hatching eggs currently? Now I have to work on them for just a couple of new hatchlings that we got 3 hours to hatch with just one super? Good luck everyone 😂 try not to spin any stops for unwanted eggs before! I got to work so got even more limited time.

  13. If it’s a cool enough mon I will stand in the rain and quick catch with an umbrella over my shoulder but for a green ear normal type…yeahhhh I’m staying my ass home and watching One Piece

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