Pokemon Go

Kind of beautiful how Niantic managed to make us all agree on something. We stand united in disgust.

Kind of beautiful how Niantic managed to make us all agree on something. We stand united in disgust.

by Entire_Pineapple4732


  1. Gameover692

    gotta love that even the people they were trying to pander to with this update hated it

  2. Tom42077

    As long as I can still catch my Pokémons, they could make me look like a ghoul even further and I wouldn’t care lol. Not here to play a fashion game but that’s just me personally.

  3. JumpingPoodles

    United we stand. The avatars are hideous.

  4. Memeguy85992

    I have that magikarp hat on the character in the left lol

    also avatars suck

  5. Alpha-And-Bromega

    Make 10 more post about it to keep farming karma.

  6. P8sammies

    Not since the first two weeks of Pokemon GO have we seen such solidarity among the players. Its giving me the July, 2016 feels all over again lol

  7. SauceKingHS

    I’m ‘me’ and I think the new avatars suck, so this is accurate.

  8. cakethegoblin

    As they said, the only thing that can unite all of humanity is a singular enemy.

  9. Own_Huckleberry1081

    Foreal. I haven’t played in a while, but everyone seems to agree that the avatar stuff is bs. People pissed 😂

  10. nissanfan64

    I don’t care about the avatars but I kinda hate these new backgrounds. Some of them basically blend into the catch circle and it’s a pain in the butt.

  11. Open_Leg3991

    Only way to unite the people is to unite them against something

  12. dfiekslafjks

    And I still see people in this sub arguing that the changes were somehow accidental.

  13. FuckGiblets

    I’m non binary. I appreciate the effort but… come on. I can have a gender neutral avatar now, yeah! As a consequence everyone including myself is forced to have an ugly ass avatar!

  14. Darkshadowwolf21

    Wow the one time the world actually all agrees on something

  15. HeadOfSpectre

    Ngl I started off neutral but I keep looking at my Avatars face and vividly imagining it eating the corpse of a fresh kill, cheeks smeared with blood and viscera while wearing that same vacant expression.

    I didn’t like my old guy either but at least he didn’t terrify me.

  16. Error_404_NoUsername

    There’s actually one aspect to the avatars that I like cause I happen to be in a very niche case, but it gets outweighed by me having to use the free glasses and mask to cover my avatars face

  17. Tensa_Zangetsa

    The attempt was there… but done so poorly.

    If they had more feminie bodys in the next update/patch… maybe things will be forgiven. But right now it just seem like the options are male, and non-binary.

    The ‘female’ looks are just… flat and plain.

    Also the color for hair looks muted and dull… I want snow white hair, not dark grey. I selected WHITE, not grey.

  18. KrackedKandy

    I’m just really pissed because I spent coins on all these cute clothes and shoes and now I look like I’m wearing long underwear instead of booty shorts. And my ass is nonexistent. I miss my cute avatar. Really it’s like playing with Barbie dolls and one day they’re like oh now you can only have this kind of Barbie doll!

  19. Educational-Guess866

    hahah love this! only thing is You forgot the entire “anti-woke red pill” crew. Not exactly the people you want on your side but for better or for worse it’s more people.

  20. Shiny_Mewtwo_Fart

    New avatar is great. Now everyone looks stupid lol

  21. CroticNyxi

    Genuinely all they had to do was just keep the old face and body shape options alongside the new changes and anyone complaining could just swap back to the old and we all wouldn’t be hating it so much

  22. i_try2hard_sum_times

    Need this, but all 3 teams Mystic, Valor, and Instinct agreeing. Maybe Team Rocket thugs too, to be funny.

  23. TheBlackLink

    Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with an Instinct trainer.

  24. Mothy187

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…this update was an attack on humanity. That includes everyone.

  25. Dry-Sandwich279

    Gonna be real, at first I was like “oh you have more options and I can sort of make it look like it used to…but the more I looked at it, the more I hated it.

    If they just add an option to use the old or new system for avatars it’d fix for everyone, use the new if you want, or the old. Games should be about adding options, not taking them away.

  26. EmergencyMeal2190

    I dont mind the avatars maybe because mine looks decently normal

  27. Clairifyed

    I somehow occupy at least 5 spots at this table

  28. cosmictrench

    I’m still mad that my adored pumpkaboo top isn’t cute anymore. How can they make such beautiful things so ugly 🥲

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