
Garry’s Mod is taking down Nintendo-related Steam Workshop add-ons due to a takedown notice from Nintendo.

Garry’s Mod is taking down Nintendo-related Steam Workshop add-ons due to a takedown notice from Nintendo.

by GoogalyBoy-the-10th


  1. Alive_Maintenance943

    Can Nintendo not be a piece of worthless shit for 5 minutes?

    Fuck, just let people have fun.

  2. -radialspeeen

    Ready for the angry commenters to waste their breath defending IP theft. Valve has no claim to Nintendo’s property, no point arguing about it!

  3. Beenz64

    As lame as it is, it’s probably fair enough

  4. LonkySneak963

    From research, add ons related to Nintendo have been getting DMCA’d by a fraudster since February at the earliest to my knowledge.

    Either Nintendo noticed and went for the coup de grace or the Gmod team fell for a fake DMCA.

  5. Atcraft

    I’m already seeing the Nintendo fanboys claiming that this is harmful to Nintendo, it isn’t, the only reason Nintendo can do this is because Japan has no Fair Use laws at all.

    Edit: lmao got a death threat, really?

  6. Hedghoglive24butim44

    Most likely this is just someone copyright abusing and isn’t actually Nintendo, it’s very unlikely Nintendo would actually do this

  7. TheCoolBus2520

    What’s the big deal here honestly?

    I’m trying to figure out what could be the overlap between “worth getting upset over” and “totally not IP theft”. What is everyone in the comments whining about losing access to?

  8. kirbydark714

    Someone is doing it, claiming to work for Nintendo, but not actually being a part of em. So, it’s fake Nintendo.

  9. Poopeefighter2001

    i should have expected people here to be full d rider over nintendo but still kinda disappointed

  10. SuitFive

    True or not fuck Nintendy. They do shit like this all the time. More than that they lost my loyalty after the end of Smash.

  11. Lucky-Mia

    Sometimes I really hate Nintendo as a company, gee wiz.

  12. UmaBatataFrita

    Is it just me, or is Nintendo being unnecessarily aggressive this year?

    Not that they weren’t there before, but recently I’ve been noticing a lot more.

    It’s funny that Dreams on PS4/PS5 suffered something similar a while ago, but you can still find several creations with Nintendo IPs there, even a clone of Super Mario Wonder before the release of Super Mario Wonder:


  13. RetroArchitect

    Damn, the Pokemon and Mario Ragdolls are what made the game for me :'( I used to make animations too, will this effect SFM as well?

  14. Kido402


  15. Luigiemblem18

    My question is if this will affect other games that use the Steam workshop like Tower Unite. Will all my Nintendo avatars be safe there or are they screwed too? 🤔

  16. AssCrackBanditHunter

    IP law is a fucking joke. People basically mashing around digital action figures and they get dinged for it.


    It’s never smart to use copyrighted materials.

  18. Hot-Flounder-4186

    This seems incredibly unfair to the people who made the mods. Copyright laws are incredibly unfair.

  19. PikaPhantom_

    The plot has seriously thickened.

    This does seem relatively innocuous at first, especially because of the laughable reference to the nonexistent Boise, Arkansas…but the thing is, if you look that address up in Boise, Idaho, you’ll find Tracer AI, a company that provides brand protection tools using AI and machine learning. Not directly on Google Maps, though, but you’ll see their logo on Street View and the address is displayed on Tracer’s website. So what do Tracer’s tools do?

    According to them, they “use Human-in-the-Loop AI and machine learning to dramatically shorten the time from detection to enforcement by intelligently automating the review process and automatically offer an enforcement recommendation.”

    Yeah…AI may well responsible for this mess, especially with the email itself mentioning AI. And I’m not sure what possibility disturbs me more: Nintendo themselves contracting this company to handle enforcement of their IP rights, or a copyright troll managing to abuse their tools in this way. The GMod Workshop is apparently not the only corner of the Internet that’s been hit with these peculiar Nintendo-related takedowns in the last couple months, too.

    Can’t take the credit for finding this, though. AdBmaster on Twitter was the one to do the digging. I just decided to verify the details myself, and yeah – they don’t look pretty.

  20. toadfan64

    I can’t wait for the day that these old fucks at Nintendo step down and younger blood comes up so MAYBE there will be some change in the horrible practices at Nintendo.

    Hard to remain a fan until I remember it’s not the people who make the games who do this shit.

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