Pokemon Go

In response to the person calling shuckle useless…

Look at this bad boy right here. Apparently he has the highest defense stat in the game so I’ll make him my little arena warrior.

by aizarywastaken


  1. Ivi-Tora

    Shuckle is banned in PvP, with the only exception being Little Catch Cup, where you can only use Pokemon caught in the current season. So no, this one won’t be elegible for that Cup because it’s too old. Those who want to use one need to catch it and power it up to max before the season ends.

  2. Labecaque

    German pokemon names are amazing. Definately going to call my 100% shuckle Pottrott. If I am ever so lucky to catch one like you.

  3. Revolutionary_Box300

    You don’t fuckle with shuckle

  4. bonafiedhero

    Shuckle is way better than useless Combee

  5. Economy_Commission79

    way better than mine. its a shadow shuk with shit stats…so i named him ” Vengance ” and put him at gyms that never let me collect coins. 😈

  6. ItzRockinAstria

    I also have a Hundo shuckle and actually learned from Pixelmon that with the right build the little one is OP.

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