
Nintendo Censors Scene Of Enemy Goombas Cat-Calling Female Party Member From ‘Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door’ Remake

Nintendo Censors Scene Of Enemy Goombas Cat-Calling Female Party Member From ‘Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door’ Remake

by fo1mock3


  1. Squish_the_android

    I cannot play this title anymore. Goomba catcalling was an essential part of Goomba culture in paper Mario and this erasure is unjust, uncalled-for, and un-american.

  2. BrenCamp13

    Influx of hate comments from graduates of the Ben Shapiro Academy of Discourse in 3… 2… 1…

  3. (Sarcasm) Cant believe the lefties have done it again, my perfect Paper Mario Remake has been ruined, what are they gonna do next? Make Vivian a trans character???? 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

  4. No_Property2880

    First Stellar Blade, NOW THIS?!


  5. TheLimeyLemmon

    I wonder what the scene was like in Japan and if it will also be changed.

  6. brawlbetterthanmelee

    Woketendo strikes again, truly heartbreaking!

  7. dudSpudson

    Fox News: The Woke Mob is Coming for Mario

  8. Chartate101

    It’s not “censorship” for a company to willingly change its own product

  9. kurtles_

    The new dialogue is arguably funnier.

    **Original:** Wassup, baby? Why don’t you hang with us for a while? We play real nice

    ***New:*** Typical! You surface-level snobs are so stuck-up. “OoOoh, I get to see the sun! I like to breathe clean air! OoOoh!

  10. MonochromeTyrant

    When games are remade/remastered, we should expect changes like this for modern audiences. The original still exists, if you need your dose of sexism in Mario for whatever reason, but this is inarguably a good change that makes the exchange funnier.

  11. mr-blindsight

    can’t have the bad guys do bad things. that would be crazy

  12. Fehndrix

    Bounding Into Comics is alt-right garbage, and that’s putting it lightly.

  13. RosePhox

    Can we please stop calling every single minor change “censorship”?

  14. ReturnOfTheFrickinG

    A lot of douchery in this comment section…

    If people don’t like that they’re changing the script then that’s fine. No need to be an asshole about it.

  15. SunnySaigon

    Paper Mario had a lot of strange dialogue, especially the computer’s interaction with Peach.

  16. Dont_have_a_panda

    I wonder if the japanese version Also contains these dialogue changes, that may (or may not) explains a pair of things

    Nonetheless although i DESPISE censorship this one is so minor that i really dont care (if there isnt more changes that i wouldnt be surprised if there are)

  17. OneAngryDuck

    It blows my mind that this is controversial in any way. Nintendo made a choice to remove a sexual harassment joke while remaking one of their games. What’s the problem?

  18. wildflowerden

    I prefer the original. I think it was a good way to show that Rogueport is dangerous and sleazy. Plus it’s fun to beat up sexual harassers. The new dialogue is ok too though.

  19. tale-wind

    Can we not have a fucking brain-dead culture war leak onto this sub…


  20. No_Dig903

    Must. Generate. Drama.


  21. Hyrule_34

    Of course they did. I’m always going to be a Nintendo fan big time, but they used to have so much more edge. Now they make changes to soften shit that literally NO ONE had an issue with.

  22. Torque-A

    I don’t trust Bounding Into Comics for truthful news. They made their fanbase by fanning the flames of GamerGate, and they’ve been doing that ever since. 

    I guarantee that if we get trans Vivian in the game, they’ll make an article about how Nintendo went “woke” even if it’s just like the original 

  23. Zennistrad

    Kinda weird that they kept this and yet didn’t change Hooktail’s foot fetish dialogue.

  24. bisforbenis

    Censors? That’s some pretty loaded language that doesn’t really apply to changes they make of their own product

  25. Illustrathor

    I can’t wait to have AI replace western localisers and get rid of all these localisation and sensitivities related posts once and for all.

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