Nintendo Switch

I painted Swordfighter Peach on my nails πŸ—‘πŸŒΉ

I painted Swordfighter Peach on my nails πŸ—‘πŸŒΉ

by nagelfuchs


  1. Scarlet_Lycoris

    Damn this is insane! Gorgeous.
    Meanwhile I can’t even make sure to stay on the nails and get the stuff all over my skin.

  2. pastelprismo

    This is gorgeous! At first glance I thought it was stickers 🀯

  3. Colombian_MrClean

    That’s amazing please do this for my daughter haha she loves peach!

  4. How do you get anything done with nails like that though?Β 

  5. what_a_dingle

    More of a Cowgirl Peach man myself, but that’s still some amazing work!

  6. BrandSilven

    Very cute, and also very well done! Do you do that professionally? If not, it’s definitely something you could consider.

  7. Expert-Ad-362

    My first thought was one of those machines that print On a pattern but this is hand drawn? Wow looks great.

  8. Hikari_Chanin

    This is awesome! πŸ₯° How long did it take ?

  9. Gloomy_Cheesecake366

    And this is why you’re the goat 🐐

  10. wheniswhy

    Girl what the FUCK these are so GODDAMN CUTE 😭😭πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯² howwwww. did you actually make these yourself?! you’re so good!!

  11. How can you wash dishes after you eat with that nails??

  12. notkeegz

    How layers is Peach?Β  As in how many cures?Β  6?Β  She has so much detail, it’s hard to figure out!

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