Pokemon Go

These avatars are going out of control!

These avatars are going out of control!

by RefreshOP


  1. kittydreamer1999

    I just laughed out loud, seriously. What the hell is going on with this game

  2. Impossible_Pangolin6

    This is the funniest eveer 😭

  3. Aaegis39

    This is not Pokemon anymore, it’s attack on Titan!

  4. TitaniumMissile

    Didn’t know you can act out Pokestar Studios movies in this game

  5. AmiableDingo

    If you are unsatisfied with the way your avatar looks try adjusting the sliders


  6. Little known Easter egg referencing Pokestar Studios from Gen 5 /s

  7. ACABincludingYourDad


  8. Norwegian_Snowstorm


  9. Western_Monke_King

    Tarantino must have just got a job at Niantic.

  10. SleepyDerp


  11. ShibariEmpress

    pokestudios by niantic (they *are* remaking gen 5 all along) /s

  12. AwardSignal

    Isn’t that the giant lady from pokestar studios?

  13. Tha_BloodMoon

    Why do i have an urge to Photoshop a jar between those legs

  14. Jonananana_32_SAm

    You see, this is a black and white 2 reference. We’re definitely getting a sequel, or at least pokestar studios in pokemon legends za /s

  15. MatsuriSuri

    I guess an actor from Pokestar Studio accidentally got released into our world. Quick make a film to stop them

  16. 808AlohaFunko

    Damn, must’ve missed the announcement that avatars can Dynamax now

  17. Xaviorffviii

    This foot shouldnt be on reddit, it’s clearly an OF image

    Shame Niantic shame

  18. onorinbejasus

    “On that day, mankind received a grim reminder.”

  19. Pastel_Phoenix_106

    “That’s no avatar.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi

  20. HiOnFructose

    The fact that nobody here seemed to notice that this screenshot was taken years ago… 🤦‍♂️

  21. Corn19999

    You need to ask for consent to take a picture of those feet lol

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