Pokemon Go


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  1. such a garbage move to punish players who paid for the dianci ticket by not giving them a second encounter.

  2. I loved the primal raids. It brought so many people together. Really was some cool stuff a couple months ago

  3. Imma say that mega energy thing is probably not true. They'll give us the 300 and then you can get more from powerups

  4. I like the crown items but i cant get that it costs lots of money out of my pocket. And for something silly like a crown cosmetic item i might aswell log into any other game whith characters customised in tons of similar cosmetics for free

  5. about players that try to solo or duo whatever they can, TDO can be more important than DPS, so I think Rhyperior should be highlighted there instead of Rampardos

  6. Thanks for the updates! Been a longtime fan of your channel, and agree with your views on the avatar update mishandling/fiasco. wondering if it’s some kind of malicious compliance or some backend dev made off with the original code that they haven’t changed things back lol who knows anymore. Keep up the great coverage!

  7. They don’t use the new avatars because they know it’s gonna make the crowns look unappealing and nobody would want them 😂 in a sense you could even think of them using the old avatars as false advertisement

  8. advertisement shows OLD AVATARS,
    they are openly mocking the players that paid money for a DECADE PLAYING THIS GAME

  9. I got to experience the old AR thing come back when I had to feed my buddy and was stoked… I later found out they actually got rid of it lol

  10. It's always amazing how quickly they 'fix' things that benefit players, then take months for legitimate game breaking ones. Or just never fix things at all if it's GBL lol

  11. Get rid of the woke groups trying to destroy the games from the inside out.
    with enough people they can be shut down and maybe the companies will not listen to them.

  12. The rock type chart is literally wrong. How is shadow rampardos better than mega diancie when diancie is tankier and stronger than it?

  13. I have a feeling that they add a bunch of stuff at some point and a clock dishes out the updates one by one without anyone behind them

  14. 6:57 I can't tell much difference between the male pictures aside from the color saturation being turned way down, but the female looks dead.

  15. Uninstalled the game. Won't reinstall it unless they revert the avatar update because it's genuinely one of the most hideous things I've ever seen in gaming.

  16. it's the old and new pics that really set the tone of how much they messed up and are doubling down… just change it back PLEASE

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