Nintendo Switch

New trademarks filed for Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush, Fullblox

New trademarks filed for Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush, Fullblox

by retroanduwu24


  1. langstonboy

    Makes sense, some quality filler ports for the last year

  2. Kirby would be interesting since that used the Wii U game pad so heavily.

  3. Dukemon102

    It feels like a game you should only be able to play in Handheld mode.

    Because I don’t see how buttons could work on this game. The sticks aren’t as quick or precise to draw lines. Also, using the Gyro to emulate a touch screen is an awful idea (Already proven by The World Ends With You – Final Remix).

  4. SpaceGooV

    Exciting if we’re getting some little remaining Wii U games to switch. I’m all for making the Wii U obsolete in terms of exclusives

  5. SliderGamer55

    I’m glad the article specified this is different from a renewal because both games are from the same year and thus that was the first thing that came to mind. (especially since its that specific Pushmo game, not just a new one) Though it would still be weird to have a game that requires touch controls and one specific Pushmo game rather than just a new game in the series, both after 9 years.

    Also hot take, Pushmo and especially the content-rich Stretchmo clear most first party 3DS games, maybe even top 5.

  6. zetcetera

    I’ve been sad that there hasn’t been a Pushmo collection on Switch. Speaking of which, a Nintendogs would do gangbusters on Switch

  7. NyarumiYukimitsu

    I know this isn’t going to happen but a Color Splash port would be amazing

  8. Evol-Chan

    would rather have a port of canvas curse. Rainbow Paintbrush was kind of mid. Wouldnt mind a new game, tho.

  9. ThomasVivaldi

    Pushmo is such a better name than Fullblox.

  10. Silent-Strife

    Loved playing Stretchmo on the 3DS. Hope it gets a new game on the Switch 2!

  11. Have_A_Jelly_Baby

    Unless they’re holding onto Wind Waker/Twilight Princess HD for the Switch 2 launch, what else could they be possibly waiting for to put them out? The games are already remade in HD, virtually nothing needs to be done to put them on Switch.

  12. devenbat

    Wii U gets more and more useless by the day. All I need is Xenoblade X and I won’t have any more reason to use the stupid thing

  13. MarcsterS

    Pushmo shouldn’t die with the 3DS eShop.

  14. MikeDubbz

    Nintendo would be smart to optionally offer 2 screen experiences on the Switch 2, where you can connect your Switch 1 to the Switch 2 to be used just as the Gamepad did with the Wii U.  With nearly 150 million Switch 1 in players’ possessions, it wouldn’t be difficult for most Nintendo fans to achieve when the new system launches. But Nintendo would be smart to advertise this feature before the Switch 2 launches so that players don’t trade in the first model to help pay for the new one. 

    That’s my long winded way of saying how I could see Kirby translate best to the Switch without losing the integrity of how the game is best experienced. 

  15. dont_yell_at_me

    Legit was just in baseball sub and thought I was looking at the mariners sub for a second

  16. TheGamerPandA

    I actually started playing this recently on the Wii U great little game but have put it aside recently for star Fox zero which was abysmal and currently doing tropical freeze first.

    Using the controls for this game gets a bit exhausting quick usually a 2 level dosage game

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